
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a Christian, wife, and soon to be mother who is working towards creating a Jesus centered, healthier, and simple home. I also currently work full time as a teacher. My dream is to eventually become a stay at home mom; however, not everyone is able to make that work financially right away. Maybe you are in a similar boat! While I am not able to stay home and home make fulltime, I plan on making the best of where I am at in life right now and looking for simple ways that I can bless my family while still working and contributing in that way.

It seems like there are so many blogs out there that share healthy recipes, DIYS, homemaking tips, and more. So, why should you read this blog? My goal behind this blog is to encourage you with the encouragement and words I have needed. It seems like there are so many opinions and trends out there telling us what is healthy and what we should be doing for our families.

I personally believe that no one knows better than you do what your family needs! No one on the internet (or in real life) knows what your family needs better than you do mamma. So, here is to starting somewhere, anywhere! If you have been wanting to center your home more around Jesus and less around what the world values, start now! If you want to start making more nourishing, low ingredient snacks for your family, start now! It does not have to look perfect, and it likely won’t. At least, it doesn’t when I do it! The biggest thing is that you find a starting point and work up from there. I tend to have this mindset where when I see new skills I want to learn or things I want to start doing I feel like I have to do it all at once. Maybe you feel the same way.

Take a moment and think about the goals you have for you and your home. Maybe you have a list of projects you have been wanting to get done. Or, maybe there is a new skill you have been wanting to learn. Here’s a list of some of my personal goals for my home (it’s okay if yours look different!)

  1. Spend more time praying and reading my Bible.
  2. Make more food from scratch.
  3. Make handmade items for my home.
  4. Be intentional in everything I do!

If anything you read stood out to you, then join me on this journey where you will find relatable and hopefully helpful content that encourages you in your quest to take care of your family!

From mine to yours,


I’m Sara

Welcome to my little slice of the internet dedicated to things that are handmade, natural, and spiritual. Here, I invite you to join me on creating a home that is filled with Jesus, handmade items, and more natural ingredients.

Let’s connect

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